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The ACBS Ontario Board is happy to announce that we now have a Listserv for our Ontario chapter on the main ACBS website.


What the Listserv is for: 

We hope that this will be a valuable resource to our community to share job postings, resources, Chapter events, training opportunities, possibly info from other ACBS chapters, and an opportunity to connect across our large province. Please use this listserv wisely honouring the guidelines and values of ACBS. Please remember these listservs are not a confidential space and therefore please omit any identifiable information regarding clients or clinical issues. Please limit marketing in this space and honour the one-time post about for-profit trainings or books produced. In responding, please consider whether or not your answer could benefit the entire listserv or if your response would be more appropriately back-channeled. Please attempt to resolve problems directly individual to individual and in back-channelled private ways if you experience a problem with hurtful language, non-inclusivity or behaviour inconsistent with the values of ACBS. If the problem remains unresolved, please reach out to the ACBS Ontario Board.


*Please note the Board reserves the right to remove people from the listserv at any time if the user guidelines are violated. 

How to join:

How to post:

 To use the listserv, you must be a member of ACBS. If you would like to become a member, you can do so here:


Join ACBS Here


ACBS requires Chapter members to opt in to listservs, which can be done in two different ways. 


1) ACBS members who are already members of the Ontario Chapter of ACBS can click on the link to the listserv and join on this webpage: 




2) ACBS members who are not yet members of the Ontario Chapter can submit an Ontario Chapter membership form and they will be manually added to the Chapter roster and to the Chapter listserv by ACBS staff through this webpage:



Once you have joined the listserv, members can post on the listserv by :


Going to the listserv webpage and click on Create Post, then type in the subject line and text for your email and then click the Save button.

©2021 by Ontario Chapter of ACBS. Proudly created with

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